Premium Canvas Bags Privacy Policy

Premium Canvas Bags respects the privacy of anyone who uses our web site and our online order form for placing orders with us, or our contact form for communicating with us. We do gather important information from our visitors and customers who use our website. We publish this Privacy Policy to communicate how we gather and use information about you, how we protect it, and how you can participate in its protection. Premium Canvas Bags will, from time-to-time, e-mail members of our e-mail list with special promotions and offers. This will help you take advantage of savings on products that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive promotional e-mails, you can unsubscribe your email by replying to with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Removals are automatic, usually done within 24 hours. PREMIUM CANVAS BAGS WILL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SELL, GIVE OR PROVIDE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO A 3RD PARTY FOR PROFIT OR OTHERWISE. WE REQUIRE PERSONAL IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION TO FULFILL OUR CUSTOMERS ORDERS.

Collected Information

We require people who register to use our website ( to give us contact information. Depending on the services chosen, we ask for contact and account information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and password, in addition to financial and billing information, such as billing name, address and credit card number. We require this information in order for us to fulfill your order, process payment and coordinate shipping our product to you. When you express interest in additional information and when you register for additional services to provide additional information. You can opt out of providing additional information by not entering it when asked.


Cookies are files Web browsers place on your computer's hard drive. They are used to help us authenticate clients and provide time-saving shortcuts and preferences. Premium Canvas Bags uses a persistent encrypted cookie, if the client requests, to save and retrieve individual authentication information as well as other per-client device preferences. When a visitor follows a link to the Premium Canvas Bags Web site from an affiliate or promotion, Premium Canvas Bags stores information about that affiliate or promotion in a session cookie. Acceptance of these cookies is optional.

Third Party Sites

The Premium Canvas Bags web site may contain links to other web sites. Premium Canvas Bags is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these other web sites. Customers and visitors must check the policy statement of these others web sites to understand their policies. Customers and visitors who access a linked site may be disclosing their private information. It is your responsibility to keep such information private and confidential.


Premium Canvas Bags has security measures in place for our services to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the data under Premium Canvas Bag's control. When the Services are accessed using Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology protects information using both server authentication and data encryption to help ensure data is safe, secure and available only to you. Premium Canvas Bags also implements an advanced security method based on dynamic data and encoded session identifications and hosts the Services in a secure server environment using a firewall and other advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. Finally, Premium Canvas Bags requires unique user names and passwords that must be entered each time a customer logs on. These safeguards help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of data. Premium Canvas Bags offers you a means to choose how we may use information you provided. If, at any time after registering for information or ordering the Services, you change your mind about receiving information from us or about sharing information with third parties, send us a request specifying your new choice. Please Send your request Here and we will get back with you.

Correcting and Updating Your Information

To update or change registration information, to update billing information, or to discontinue the Services, log on to your account at a Premium Canvas Bags Web site.

Additional Information

Questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the security practices of the Services should be directed to Premium Canvas Bag's Security Administrator by Contacting Us Here and we will get back with you soon.

Last updated September 1, 2024